Posted: June 9th, 2014

Identify a specific policy, procedure, protocol or regulation that you would change within the agency. Describe the current policy and why you believe changes are important.


Course Objectives:
Placement in any one of several criminal justice settings, such as law enforcement, courts, correctional institutions, juvenile facilities, in accordance with the interests of the student and recommendation of the faculty. The course is designed to integrate work experience in the criminal justice agency with knowledge gained through research and past classroom instruction for the student. Provides the student with an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in a professional criminal justice setting; allowing the student an opportunity to work directly with agency personnel and clientele, incorporating both academic and experiential knowledge.

Course Requirements:
Placement- Students are required to have a placement in an agency that meets the approval of the instructor. Generally, it is the responsibility of the student to find an agency of interest for placement. If that is not possible, the instructor can place you in an agency. If you are currently employed in a criminal justice or related agency, that may count as your internship. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of your placement, meet with the field representative of the agency and complete any required forms for that agency. Please note: most agencies require background checks for prospective interns.
Meetings- All students are required to contact the instructor via email or in person confirming their placement; or, any time a problem, issue or question may arise with their placement or the internship.
Personal History- All students are required to complete and submit the Personal History Form. The Personal History Form is available on Blackboard in the Course Information Folder. Personal History Forms must be submitted no later than June 13, 2014.
Time Sheets- All students are required to perform a minimum of 96 hours at their internship placement. Time sheets are to be used to maintain a record of days and hours worked and should be signed by both the student and the student’s agency supervisor. Time sheets are available on Blackboard in the Course Information Folder. Time sheets may be submitted on a weekly or monthly basis. (50 points)
Activity Log- Students are required to maintain an activity log, documenting the activity or activities performed on each day at their placement. Activity Logs are available on Blackboard In the Course Information Folder. Activity logs may be submitted on a weekly or monthly basis. (50 points)
Paper- All students shall submit a 10-15 page paper. The paper shall address a specific policy, procedure, regulation or protocol specific to your agency placement and how you would change or refine that policy, procedure, regulation or protocol to better address the needs or function of the agency and the clientele it serves. Inclusion of scholarly research is required and the paper should be written in APA style. The paper is worth 100 points. DUE DATE: July 28, 2014. The format of the paper shall be as follows:
I. Introduction: Describe the agency in which you completed your internship, its functions and clientele served, and the activities you performed for the agency.
II. Identify a specific policy, procedure, protocol or regulation that you would change within the agency. Describe the current policy and why you believe changes are important.
III. Specifically, address the changes you would make, why you would make them and how your changes would better address the needs, functions and operations of the agency and the clientele it serves. Your proposed changes must be supported through scholarly research.
IV. Conclusion
Evaluation: Evaluation for the course shall be based on total points (200) according to the following scale:
99% – 100% = A+
92% – 98% = A
90% – 91% = A-
87% – 89% = B+
83% – 86% = B
80% – 82% = B-
77% – 79% = C+
73% – 76% = C
70% – 72% = C-
67% – 69% = D+
63% – 66% = D
60% – 62% = D-
*graduate students must have a minimum of 70% to pass this course



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