Posted: September 16th, 2017

Crisis Intervention

Crisis Intervention

Acute Stress & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder—————–

Movie – World Trade Center by Olive Stone (2006) —
Explore the nature of the crisis presented and suggest steps for; alleviating the crisis, teaching coping skills, and developing resiliency

—-An additional section should assess the grieving process of the primary victim and whether they effectively grieved through the loss. This paper needs to be written from a Christian Psychological point of view.—-
____________Key Terms__________________

Critical Incident –
a critical incident is a traumatic event (or perceived life-threatening event) that has sufficient power to overwhelm an individual’s ability to cope—-

Crisis –
a condition of instability or danger, as in social, economic, political, or international affairs, leading to a decisive change/ impairment.

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