Posted: December 2nd, 2014

Critical Essay on Think Tanks

Critical Essay on Think Tanks

Order Description

Each student will write a critical commentary essay that reflects on ALL of the think tank readings that we have done (links are as below). This essay will offer the students critical assessment of the world of think tanks and its implications for technology, globalization and society. Each essay will be a maximum of 3000 words and be written in excellent essay style with citations.


1. First, choose a focus area or argument within the space of think tanks to write about—an idea, an argument, a concept, an example—that is strongly meaningful to you. You do not have the time or space to write about all of the readings.
2. Write a brief introduction. You will need to give a little background, state why it is important and state your thesis. You may also want to include two or three sentences outlining the rest of your paper.
3. Summarize the authors’ argument, concept, idea, part of the book that you have selected. State the author’s topic, thesis, and main supporting points. The most common mistake writers of critical essays make is to write long summaries.
4. Evaluate. Is the work well-written and organized? Discuss the types of evidence the author uses to support the arguments in the book and how effectively the evidence is used. Analyze the reasoning the author uses for logical consistency. Finally make mention if the author’s values or biases and how they might have affected the work.
5. State your thesis (argument) along with the main supporting points. This is the most important part of critical essay. You should state a specific thesis of your own. This may be simply that you found the author’s work convincing (or not). You will want to compare and contrast the primary sources you are using and develop a thesis that draws conclusions about the topic or issue based on the book.
6. Use evidence from your sources to support your argument. Any claims you make must be based on evidence that logically supports your position.
7. Include points that show how your thesis is supported by each source. If that is not the case, explain why your thesis is valid even though it disagrees with a source. In a good critical essay you should also discuss opposing arguments and show (again, based on the evidence) why those arguments are flawed in some way.
8. Summarize your argument in your conclusion. Follow this with a brief statement of the conclusions you have reached based on those arguments. Finally, point out what questions are raised by the authors (or in your essay) that merit further study or research.
9. Write a bibliography and check your citations.
10. Check for typos and text errors. Format well.

1. READ (for Tuesday) Money and Influence in the Think Tank World

2. READ (for Thursday) How Transparent are Think Tanks about Who Funds Them? Transparify, May 2014,

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