Posted: September 13th, 2017

Critical Thinking: Find and analyze an example of faulty reasoning you have encountered in the news or on a website Custom Paper

Find and analyze an example of faulty reasoning you have encountered in the news or on a website. Your analysis

should address one or more issues covered in the Paulos or Blastland/Dilnot readings. That is, you should analyse

the (mis)reporting of probabilities, coincidences, averages and/or risk. (Don’t try to cover everything: it is

often best to focus on one example in detail.) You can look at reporting of a recent survey, or at a sports story

involving numbers. What I’m looking for is evidence that you can apply critical thinking skills to numbers: that

you recognise innumeracy in the world around you.Your analysis should be at least 300 words.It is important that

you include the link to the text you are analysing at the top of your entry. Alternatively, you could paste the

text at the bottom of your entry.

Grading Criteria: choice of text is suitable; analysis is thoughtful and accurate; writing is clear and free of

errors; piece is neatly organized and presented and of sufficient length

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