Posted: September 16th, 2017

critically appraise the implications of the way in which Enterprise-Wide Systems affect people, processes, structures and operational management, and be able to identify and define potential problems and solutions.

critically appraise the implications of the way in which Enterprise-Wide Systems affect people, processes, structures and operational management, and be able to identify and define potential problems and solutions.

4.    identify and explain the major objectives, critical success factors and characteristics of Enterprise-Wide Systems and their implementation.

Word Count 2000 maximum (as specified by the BIMO Coursework length protocol)

A Critical Literature Review
You are required to carry a critical review of peer-reviewed academic articles choosing one of the following areas:

•    Enterprise wide Systems and Supply Chain Management;
•    Business Intelligence and Supply Chain Management;
•    Business Process Management and Supply Chain Integration;
•    Competitive Intelligence and Supply Chain Management;
•    Adopting an Information Strategy;
•    Information Management and Change Management (Business Transformation).
•    Information Management and Supply Chain Management.

This task requires the selection of a minimum of five (5) articles taken from at least three (3) different journals and different editions where the same journal is selected.  The length of these articles should be a minimum of ten (10) pages, excluding the references or diagrams.  Shorter journals can still be used to support your position or arguments but cannot be included as one of the five core articles.

Within the area of your choice, you will need to focus your Review.  For example, Business Intelligence and SCM could have a focus on Supplier Relationship Management or on role of BI in procurement.

Students who wish to choose another technology related area and develop a topic from this are welcome to BUT they must get approval from the module leader to ensure the topic relates to the learning outcomes.

See below page 7 for detailed guidance to conduct a critical review.
Word Count
The length of paper should be between 1500 and 2000 words, exceeding this limit will be penalised, see below, it will be difficult to achieve good marks if below this limit.

Marking Schema
Introduction;            20%
•    An overview of the topic chosen and the articles chosen, justification, relevance, coherence.
Critical Review;            30%
•    Summary of research findings,
•    Relevance of Conclusions.
Critical Analysis;        40%
•    Gaps in research,
•    Strengths of the papers,
•    Weaknesses of the papers,
•    Value of arguments/findings,
•    Where should future research focus?
General            10%
•    Full bibliographic details for each of the core articles
•    Referencing [this is separate to the bibliographic details of the core articles]
•    Structure and Presentation – including use of UK English
•    Word Count omission/over limit    minus ___ marks

Word Count
The length of paper should be between 1500 and 2000 words.
No statement of word length    Deduct 2 marks  (an estimate of the word length will be made and if it is over the limit further deductions will be made as below)
1-100 excess words    Deduct 1 mark
101 or more excess words    Deduct 1 mark per 50 words started after the first excess 100
Seriously incorrect statement of word length    Deduct 5 marks and other penalties as above appropriate to the estimated word length.

Layout Style
The assignment should be presented as a paper of between 1500 and 2000 words in length, excluding appendices and reference list. It should be of a professional academic journal standard and have the following elements:
•    Front Title Page: with Paper Title, Task, Full Name, Student Number, and Word Count.
•    Core Literature Review: see also earlier instructions for content and layout;
•    Reference List: giving details of any sources, in Harvard format, you have used in your research (do not separate the types of sources, and include full details for ALL sources).
•    Appendices: as required – containing any relevant supplementary material supporting your paper. Note: Appendices do not attract marks and are rarely used in academic papers.
Format to be used:
•    The paper should be presented in Tahoma or Verdana font, 12 pitch.
•    Footnotes should be avoided they are not suitable for referencing.
•    A digital copy of this assessment must be submitted, detailed instructions of how to perform this task will be given on BB and in class.
‘Text book’ style information may be necessary, but there are no marks for text book quotes, only for your interpretation (and referencing) of such items in the specific context of this case.  Marks are given for ability to complete the requirements indicated in the stated Task and the insights you provide, and an appropriate argument with the necessary support and evidence used as proof of your research and analysis.


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