Posted: September 13th, 2017

Critically evaluate developments of Social Media on Hospitality. Use one case study (SMTE) to demonstrate your arguments.

Critically evaluate developments of Social Media on Hospitality. Use one case study (SMTE) to demonstrate your arguments.

Order Description


• Individual case study 4500 words
Title: Critically evaluate developments of Social Media on Hospitality. Use one case study (SMTE) to demonstrate your arguments.

? Assessment guidance:
? Choose a hospitality business of your choice with social media presence.
? Evaluate their current social media strategy to discuss support the arguments of your literature review.
? The main parts of the assignment are the literature review and case study.
? The case study should reflect on topics highlighted in the literature review, and also include a detailed evaluation of the current social media presence.
? Ensure you use academic references within your literature review, and that you add a copy of your collected data in the appendix.
? Structure: Introduction, literature review, case study, discussion & conclusion, references, appendices
? Word count: 4500 word


? Introduction
? Literature review
? Case study
? The social media (findings and discussion)
? Mobile Technology (show how the case study is exploiting this technology to reach its customers)
? Conclusion and recommendations
? References

Literature section should cover some of the issues below

? ICT and the hospitality and tourism industry (ICT and the hospitality sector)
? you can also introduce How ICT works in the sector of your case study e.g small hotels, B&B, restaurants etc
? Tourism distribution channels
? New technologies (Web 2.0, UGC and eWOM)
? Social networking and the hospitality sector
? Social media and search engine optimisation for hospitality firms
? The different social media and their application in hospitality
? Mobile technology as a catalyst of social media in hospitality

Case Study
? Social Media introduce the various media you are discussing e.g. facebook, twitter, etc.
? Findings – The social media and your case study – do they have any? What channels are using? How do they use these channels ie marketing, communicating with customers, PR, act as part of the community?

? Mobile technology – how is the case study exploiting this technology
? Discuss these findings

Provide a conclusion based on your findings on the status of the social media in your case study
Give suggestions to the problems you have identified in your findings
Journal articles, white papers and books
Use internet articles sparing (first clarify the credibility of the sources before relying on it)

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