Posted: September 13th, 2017

Critically evaluate the theoretical foundations of organizational learning in the light of innovative collaboration for value creation

Critically evaluate the theoretical foundations of organizational learning in the light of innovative collaboration for value creation

1.Explain and apply critiques of a range of management theories and their impact on contemporary settings

2.Critically appraise interactions between different management standpoints

3.Evaluate the contribution that a range of ideas have imparted on management practice.

4.Identify and evaluate a range of practices from within a variety of contexts which are exemplars of management theory

5.Evaluate the contribution that a range of ideas have imparted on management practice.

6.It is expected that the Reference List will contain twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and four academic books.

7.Make sure the reference are cited in Harvard Style.

Critically evaluate the theoretical foundations

LO1:  Explain and apply critiques of a range of management theories and their impact on contemporary settings
Assessment 1+2
LO2:  Critically appraise interactions between different management standpoints
Assessment 1 +2
LO3: Evaluate the contribution that a range of ideas have imparted on management practice.
Assessment 1+2
LO4: Identify and evaluate a range of practices from within a variety of contexts which are exemplars of management theory
Assessment 1
LO5: Evaluate the contribution that a range of ideas have imparted on management practice.    Assessment  1+2

Assignment Brief:
Secondary Research Level HE6 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include three refereed academic journals and four academic books.

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