Posted: September 16th, 2017

Cross-Cultural Management-business report

Cross-Cultural Management-business report

– Before the 7 days due date, I will probably add more additional information after I went to class.
-• Please use only peer-reviewed journal articles, research books or book chapters as evidence in your work. Do not include any websites, popular or management magazines, or dictionary entries.

Assessment Type Description
-analyse critical cross-cultural issues related to setting up a subsidiary and doing business in India and Singapore. Playing the role of a management team from an Australian organisation, students should use Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory as a point of reference to compare and contrast home country and host country’s cultural differences, evaluate and report on what adaptations need to be made for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context.
Your group needs to nominate a particular Australian organisation by the agreement of the whole group. Please inform your lecture the nominated Australian organisation by week of Lecture 4 by email.

The areas of research covered in your report can include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

• Background to do business including political, economic, social cultural and technological situations which are relevant to cultural adaptations; the particular organisation’s product and service; customs and protocol; business culture; management styles and local customer and competitors, etc.

GSBS6009 Cross Cultural Management – Group Business Report and Presentation
Assessment item 2a: Group business report (20%) Due on week 7 lecture.
Objectives: The Business Report evaluates the students’ capacity to incorporate advanced theories, concepts and models relevant to contemporary cross cultural issues and interaction skills within a problem-based learning structure to coordinate and communicate advanced project outcomes.
Specific Tasks: Students should work in a group to analyse critical cross-cultural issues related to setting up a subsidiary and doing business in India and Singapore. Playing the role of a management team from an Australian organisation, students should use Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory as a point of reference to compare and contrast home country and host country’s cultural similarities and differences, evaluate and report on what adaptations need to be made for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context. Students are required to develop a group business style report and oral presentation. Your group needs to nominate a particular Australian organisation by the agreement of the whole group. Please inform your lecture the nominated Australian organisation by week of Lecture 5 by email.
The areas of research covered in your report can include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
• Background to do business including political, economic, social cultural and technological situations which are relevant to cultural adaptations; the particular Australian organisation’s product and service; customs and protocol; business culture; management styles and local customer and competitors, etc.
Formatting, submission and word count: Size 12 fonts and 1.5 line spacing. You are required to submit this assignment electronically through Turnitin. No hardcopies are required. The word count of your report should be 2000 words maximum. You are required to demonstrate your ability to keep within the recommended range of words while still providing a comprehensive business report. If you go 10% above the maximum word count you will be penalised. Correct APA referencing style is required. Students must support their findings by using a minimum of 7 scholarly journals.
Marking Criteria include an assessment of your knowledge of the cross-cultural management related issues that are relevant to the assignment task, your ability to conduct comparative analysis and your ability to effectively communicate in writing the outcomes of a group project.
Group work and SPARK evaluation: .Student’s individual Mark for the group report will be individualised based on both the Peer moderation process (SPARK) and group business report performance.
GSBS6009 Cross Cultural Management – Group Business Report and Presentation
Very Good
Comparative analysis of data in the context of the assessment task – i.e. should compare and contrast home and host country’s cultural differences by using Hofstede cultural dimensions theory
Identifies inappropriate dimensions to compare and contrast home and host country’s cultural differences and inappropriate using Hofstede cultural dimensions theory
Identifies some appropriate cultural differences between home and host country, but using Hofstede cultural dimensions theory
Identifies mostly appropriate dimensions with consistent comparative analysis on most dimensions of
Hofstede cultural dimensions theory
Identifies only appropriate dimensions to construct the report with consistent and in-depth comparative analysis using all the dimensions of
Hofstede cultural dimensions theory
In-depth comparative analysis including an integrative evaluation of chosen dimensions within and between countries by using all the dimensions of
Hofstede cultural dimensions theory
Level of Research adequate to make well-informed decisions and recommendations for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context
Unsatisfactory use of sources/data.
Evidence of limited understanding of data required for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context
Uses some relevant data and demonstrates some understanding of relevant data for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context
Uses a range of relevant data and demonstrates an understanding of the relevant data for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context
Uses a wide range of relevant and current data and evidence of high understanding of data for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context
Uses a wide range of academic and other sources all of which are current and relevant for effective cross-cultural interactions in the host context
Communication of report is presented in a logical and well organised manner as per the assessment task.
Unclear introduction and conclusion and uneven or illogical discussion
Clear introduction and conclusion, with some organisation
Some organisation and balanced discussion but not developed coherently.
Develops coherent and even discussion of leadership and management styles
Develops discussion cogently, with even and integrated discussion of all dimensions of leadership and management styles with effective transitions throughout.
Writing General – language and grammar and referencing.
Sentence structures and grammar inadequate for clarity and/or incomplete referencing of sourced material.
Sentence structures and grammar adequate, but errors cause distraction or errors in referencing.
Sentence structures and grammar adequate, with minor errors that do not distract reader.
Sentence structures and grammar is good and correct referencing of all sourced material.
Employs words with fluency for ease of reading. Writing and references are essentially error free.
GSBS6009 Cross Cultural Management – Group Business Report and Presentation
Assessment item 2b: Group business report presentation (10%) Week 7 and Week 8 Lecture.
Purpose: To assess students’ ability to communicate and present the project and findings in a group.
Description: Every group will be required to present the findings of their business report. All students from the group should present. A handout should be presented to the lecturer at the start of the presentation. The schedule of presentations is to be advised. Try to make your presentation interesting and informative. The duration of presentation is 15 minutes.
Very Good
Content – Knowledge of material and appropriate data
Demonstrates inadequate knowledge.
Makes little or no use of evidence to support ideas or arguments.
Demonstrates basic knowledge.
Make some use of evidence to support ideas or arguments.
Demonstrates good knowledge.
Makes considerable use of evidence to support ideas or arguments.
Demonstrates very good knowledge.
Makes extensive use of evidence to support ideas or arguments.
Demonstrates excellent knowledge.
Makes extensive use of evidence to support ideas or arguments and data chosen is of highest quality.
Delivery -audience is engaged and material is presented through appropriate media and learning tools.
Presenters make little effort to engage audience.
Presenters use inappropriate or low quality visual aids.
Presenters make some effort to engage audience.
Presenters use visual aids of reasonable quality.
Presenters engage audience, present clearly, use quality visual aids.
Presenters engage audience, and consistently present clearly. Every effort is made to interact with audience.
High quality visual aids.
Presenters are animated and enthusiastic. They are engaging and motivate audience interest.
Presenters use a good variety of approaches and tools to generate learning opportunities.
Teamwork – presented effectively as a group
Some presenters did not contribute effectively.
Work was undertaken individually level evidence by disjointed effort.
Background noise during presentation.
Each presenter worked well with the rest of the team.
Evidence of planned /rehearsed presentation.
A high level of group collaboration is evident through reasonably smooth transitions and integrated content.
A high level of group collaboration is evident through consistently smooth transitions and integrated content.
Undetectable group collaboration – Group Presentation was delivered to a standard that might be achieved in an individual presentation.
Overall structure
Presentation is not logically structured, is confusing and speakers or sections do not clearly follow each other.
No or weak introduction and/or ineffective conclusion.
Presentation is for the most part logically structured.
Evidence of an introduction that sets out the direction of the presentation.
Evidence of conclusion.
Presentation is logically structured with good connections between each speaker and section.
Presentation is logically structured with clear connection between each speaker and section.
Sections are integrated and the sequence of the presentation is well-organised.
Presentation is logically structured with clear connection between each speaker and section with evidence of synthesis throughout, including the drawing together of main points to conclude with central message.
GSBS6009 Cross Cultural Management – Group Business Report and Presentation

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