Posted: September 14th, 2017

Cruise Management


Choose 2 unit Topics from the list provided below that particularly interest you, and choose 1 theme in each topic for your reviews (or 1 from the list and another approved by your tutor).

Prepare a literature review for each theme that critically evaluates the relevant academic literature, theories and practices.

For each review use at least five sources of academic literature (books and/or academic journal articles) from 2002 and beyond, and a selection of non-academic references (such as industry annual reports, statistics, web sources, etc.) which provide evidence or information, theories or models regarding the theme and how it is practiced or demonstrated in the industry.

NOTE: It is important for the success of the literature review that students read more than five sources of literature for each review in order to choose the most appropriate ones, and note that 5 academic references per review is the minimum requirement not to fail this criteria. See the Marking criteria below – for high marks in for the literature mark use approximately 10 references in total by including industry reports, statistics and relevant cruise web sources, as well as other relevant academic references if you find them on top of the 5 minimum required academic references.

The literature reviews should:

• demonstrate relevant criteria for selecting the literature and reference sources to address the theme and address the marking criteria (see below);

• address and critically review the issues identified in the literature regarding this theme, particularly stating what are the major conclusions from these publications and your considerations regarding their implications for the cruise industry (keep all language in the 3rd person, i.e. no use of “I”); and

• be 2400 words in length, which means each literature review is approximately 1200 words in length (provide the word length of each Literature Review beneath its title in the submitted assessment).

NOTE – the Reference List is not included in the word count.

Theme #
Unit Topic
Description of theme
Topic 4: demand for cruise
Cruise passenger behaviour, motivation and experiences
Topic 4: demand for cruise
Understanding the US market
Topic 4: demand for cruise
Cruise segments: Compare and contrast two specific segments
Topic 5: itineraries and impacts
The economic and social impacts of cruise tourism
Topic 5: itineraries and impacts
Sustainable cruise tourism: Dream or reality?
Topic 5: itineraries and impacts
Planning cruise itineraries: Perspectives from cruise lines and DMOs
Topic 6: working on board
Challenges on working and living on board

1/ Assessment word lengths are important, and no more than 2400 words will be read for marking purposes in this assessment.

2/ Late submissions will incur a late penalty of 5% per day, up to 25% per week (ie. for each day it is late 5% will be deducted from the assessment mark and if 2 weeks late then 50% will be deducted), AND no submissions will be accepted 2 weeks after the due date (without appropriate consultation with your lecturer and special consideration approval).

Assessment 3 Marking criteria: 50% for 2 Literature Reviews

Criteria for each Literature Review




Range and relevance of literature related to the chosen topic (you will not get the full marks if you only present five academic references – this is the minimum requirement not to fail this criteria)



Logical argument and discussion of what is known by theory and practices relevant to the topic – this includes the logic of your discussion regarding the implications for the operations and practice of the cruise industry now and/or in the future stemming from the findings and conclusions presented in your reviews.



Clarity of expression throughout the review



Referencing (within review and reference list)






Total marks for 2 x Critical Reviews


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