Posted: September 14th, 2017

Cultural Haunting in America

Cultural Haunting in America

Brief Response

For the following Discussion Forum topic, you will need to have read:
• Tracks (novel) by Louise Erdrich
• Cultural Haunting, Chapter 2 “Ghost Dancing and Cultural Translation in Tracks” (book chapter) by Kathleen Brogan

For this Discussion Forum (DF): Reply to this header post. In the body of your reply, copy and paste a Brief Response (200 words) that does the following:

Answer the Three Key Questions for Secondary Readings (found in the syllabus) for Brogan’s book chapter.
2: Cultural Haunting in America
In-Depth Response

For the following Discussion Forum topic, you will need to have read:
• Tracks (novel) by Louise Erdrich
• The Woman Warrior (novel) by Maxine Hong Kingston

For this Discussion Forum (DF): Reply to this header post. In the body of your reply, copy and paste a In-Depth Response (325 words) that does the following:
Compare and contrast the depictions of ghosts and/or haunting you find in Tracks with those you find inThe Woman Warrior. Point to specific scenes and textual details from both novels in your response.
Your response should answer the questions: How are Hong Kingston’s and Erdrich’s depictions of ghosts and hauntings similar? Where and how do they differ?

Though not required as part of your response, you may want to apply some of Brogan’s ideas about cultural haunting, from either/both today’s reading (“Ghost Dancing and Cultural Translation”) and/or Monday’s reading (“American Stories of Cultural Haunting: Tales of Heirs and Ethnographers”) as an interpretive lens in your response.
Remember to point to specific textual evidence from both readings to back up your claims in answer to the questions above.



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