Posted: September 16th, 2017

Cultural identity in the era of globalization

Cultural identity in the era of globalization

Paper details:
Table of content Introduction Chapter 1. Contributors to the processes underlying globalization 1.1 Dynamic nature of Culture 1.1.1 Components and characteristics of culture 1.1.2 The traditional views of culture 1.1.3 The alternative views of culture 1.2 The influence of new technologies on socio-cultural changes in a globalized world 1.3 The impact of transportation systems and mass migration on the idea of multiculturalism development Chapter 2. The influence of cultural values on identity construction 2.1 Classification of different types of identity 2.2 The impact of cultural dimensions on identity construction 2.2.1 Individualism vs. collectivism 2.2.2 Low context vs. high context Chapter 3.Case study: Cultural Identity of university students in China Conclusion

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