Posted: September 13th, 2017

Currency Exchange

Your company is deciding to expand to the following countries, and you and two other managers will have to visit these countries to set up operations. You have $1,500.00 to convert in each currency. Copy and paste this table into a new document and compute the following:


Country/currency              USD value/rate (as of 08/14)                     Exchange amount


Japanese yen                                     $102.28

Euro                                                   $0.75

British pound                                     $0.60


Utilizing the same exchange rate, while you are visiting each of these countries, you have to buy supplies/equipment for your operations; you want to determine what it is costing you in U.S. dollars. Please compute the following:


Japanese yen Computer (¥167,000.00) $


Euro Desks/chairs (€1,125.00) $


British pounds Printer (£575.00) $

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