Posted: September 13th, 2017

DAESH and it’s Crimes Against Humanity

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



A paper for Politics of human rights. You can use more sources.

This is the proposal given to the professor. Feel free to add anything.

Title: DAESH crime against humanity

This paper will investigate the human rights crimes and violations committed by DAESH furthermore the international human rights laws broken by the organization and what options the international community has to bring the criminals to justice. I will also take a look at what other options that are available to further fight an evil organization as DAESH.

Planning the investigation:
DAESH is claiming to have established an Islamic caliphate and that Islamic law is to be abided by the inhabitants in the territory under there control. I will trough my research prove that their claim is not justified but also that the violations against people under there control is a violation of most if not all of the human rights law existing to this day. I will describe there crimes and how the organizations is structured. The following questions are going to be attempted to get an answer;
– Are the states funding DAESH to be held responsible for the human rights violations?
– How to bring the terrorists to justice?
– What can the international community do?
– What human rights violations are done by DAESH?
To answer these questions, I will build up my argument by citing international laws, eyewitness accounts, interviews with former DAESH fighters and victims. With this paper I wish to achieve to find enough evidence to compel the reader that DAESH is not just a treat to the Middle East but also to humanity and our civilization, as we know it.

1. UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes of Genocide 1948

2. UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1976

3. UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1984

4. Rome Statute 1998

5. Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic 14 Nov 2014

6. UN Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict in Iraq 6 July – 10 Sept 2014

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