Posted: September 13th, 2017

Dashboard Project

Dashboard Project

Project description
Assignment Instructions and Requirements:
This Assignment involves creativity and the completion of a project management-style
template. You will gather requirements for a hypothetical one-screen interface (dashboard)
Topic choices:
First, make sure you understand this course’s definition of a monitoring dashboard by
thoroughly reading the content and viewing the images presented in the Reading Guide.
Then, choose one of the following topics for this Assignment:
Community Center Dashboard – displays upcoming events, fundraising efforts,
number of people participating in events, a map to the center; could also include details
about expenditures
Business Health Dashboard – displays sales history and trends, revenue and costs;
could also include geographic data or specific products
Human Resources Dashboard – displays aggregate data relating to employee
turnover, absences, vacations taken, payroll structure; could be labeled by department
Call Center Dashboard – displays average call duration, calls handled per person or
team, sales targets; could also include number of calls waiting in queue
Completion of the Template
Use the given template. Retain the single-spacing; it is not intended to be an APA paper
Provide a name for the dashboard project in the given location at the top of the template.
Part 1: Project Definition
Write two paragraphs (using full sentences) to give an overview of the project.
Minimum length requirement for this part: 75 words
Unit 3 [IT302: Human-Computer Interaction]
In the first paragraph:
State the general purpose of the dashboard, including what kind of information
would be shown. (Example: A weather dashboard shows temperature and )
In the second paragraph:
Explain who would be primary users and stakeholders, and why
Part 2: Requirements Collection
This section is comprised of a list of seven open-ended questions you would ask potential
users in a focus group in order to better understand they would like to see information
presented, what kind of information might be most useful, what kind of options they might
like, under what circumstances the data would be most helpful, etc.
Be specific (Example of a bad question: “What data would you like to see on the
Write in full sentences, but keep a bulleted or numbered list format
Part 3: Requirements Document
This section can also be a bulleted and/or numbered list, or it may be written in paragraph
form. Use the example in the textbook reading to guide you in completing this part of the
project template. Minimum length requirement for this part of the template is 300 words.
Functional requirements
Information requirements
Hardware and Software requirements
Part 4: Conclusion (Reflection)
Provide a paragraph of at least 50 words that sums up the value of the project. You may
include explanation of additional methods of requirements collection, comparisons to
similar projects, or other information that could potentially help you “sell” your dashboard
idea to the client.
Additional Requirements
Submit your work on the Word template. Assignments submitted without the use of the
template will not be accepted.
Your assignment should show an understanding of the textbook reading.
This assignment is not based on research; do not use source material.
Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the
grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructors discretion.
Please download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to assist you with
meeting APA expectations. Ensure that your work is not copied from any sources. Copying
does not prove an understanding of the material, and plagiarism will not be tolerated

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