Posted: September 13th, 2017

Dealing with the monsters

There is an article that must be read , then you choose either one term to relate my interview to , such as capitalism , marketization etc. You can choose 2 topics

from the article and generate a paper from the reviw i did with the actress, we do not need to cite nor refer to the readings in direct txt , but relate it . One of

the key questions for the assignment is ¨How are macro-levels changes in the dynamics of contemprary capitalism affecting the everyday working lives of cultural

workers?¨ My task is to describe and analyze the extent to which one of these macrolevel changes in the dynamics of contemprary capitalism is affecting the everyday

working life of the actress i interviewed. Her answers were really short and we cannot qoute directly what she says we only have to analyze and either agree or

disagree with the readings. I prefer not agreeing but whatever suits you while writing it. The final paper has three steps , first an introduction describing the

change in the dynamics of contemprary capitalism that your paper is focused on and the arguement you will be making based on your analysis of the interview dara . 2)

the body of your paper should consist of your analysis of the interview data. 3) a conclusion that summarizes your findings and points to areas for further research.

What are the limits in your findings ? what questions are left unanswered ? Length 4-6 pages double spaced about 1000-1500 words . Creativity is required , and

relating to readings will aim for an A grade. I need to email you the article called ¨Back to work ;cultural labor in altered times¨by Graham Murdock also the



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