Posted: March 18th, 2015

Debate Essay:Technological advancement can effectively mitigate the dire consequences of global climate change

Debate Essay:Technological advancement can effectively mitigate the dire consequences of global climate change


The WHO defines air pollution as the availability of materials in the air in such concentration which are harmful to a human being as well as the surrounding environment. The main causes of air pollution are;
?    The burning of petroleum, natural gas, wood as well as coal in the industries.
?    Chemical industries that include fertilizers, fungicides, as well as weedicides. The fumes that are produced after the manufacture of these items pollute the atmosphere when they are released into the atmosphere.
The toxic air pollutants are classified as either gaseous or particulate. The particulate air pollutants include the liquid and solid particles that are released into the atmosphere. The gaseous pollutants include substances that are in gaseous state at room or normal pressure and temperature. These pollutants have very negative effects on humans, vegetation as well as other animals. They have also been known to change the climate of the earth through retaining excess heat within the atmosphere and contributing to the development of acid rain (Farrauto, Gulati, & Heck, 2013).
The overall quality of air in the world has been a source for debate for many years now. The world’s fastest growing economies i.e. China and India have attracted the brunt of the criticism due to perpetual smog in most of its industrial hubs. A  WHO report stated that continued exposure to the ambient fine particles is estimated to contribute to more than 3.2 million early deaths globally mainly due to cardiovascular diseases and 200,000 deaths that are attributed to lung cancer. With this in mind, most countries around the globe have decided to use technology to tackle its problem of air pollution (Mycock, 1995).
Chimney filtering technology
The technokontrol chimney filtering system has come up with a technology and products that not only increase the output in chimney cooling systems but also develop a filter system whereby industries are able to filter all kinds of vapors, fumes, as well as gases that have the ability to contaminate the environment. The most discussed issue in the modern pro environment industrial world is not only how to cut down the number of contaminating industries but also how to retain these toxic materials in controlled environments that do not harm the rest of the natural environment. This means that industries are required to deal with their toxic wastes in an environmentally friendly manner that does not harm the ecology (Mudakavi, 2010).
Use of Air Purifiers
One of the solutions that can be implemented is the use of air purifiers. Even though this may not clean up the air out on the streets, it will serve to limit the level of exposure when one is indoors. However, the main disadvantage with this solution is that it makes use of power in its operation which only compounds the problem that is trying to be solved in the first place. Another issue that we have to be aware of is that the use of these devices contributes to the creation of ozone that in itself leads to several health complications (Wang, Pereira & Hung, 2004).
Home Pollution detectors
In future, monitoring and controlling the air that is inside our homes may become a daily activity. There is a device that is being developed called Birdi that resembles a traditional smoke detector but also works in monitoring a room’s air quality. Its idea was conceived by Mark Belinsky and may be a small scale solution to the problem of air pollution (Wang, Pereira & Hung, 2004).
Electronic trees
It seems very nice when everyone is doing his bit in monitoring their environment, however, most of these solutions are only limited to enclosed spaces at home or in the office. The air in homes and offices gradually gets polluted and will also require replacing an average of every two hours. It is impractical to stay at home for 24 hours so as to avoid air that is polluted. The Peruvian super tree can help to tackle this problem a great deal. It is manufactured by a company called Tierra Nuestra (loosely translated to Our Earth) (Wang, Pereira & Hung, 2004). It makes use of a water purification system to remove carbon dioxide as well as bacteria from the air around us. It is based in Lima and has the capability of purifying more than 200,000 cubic meters of air daily. It should be noted that it is just the work of only six trees. However, the initial cost stands at just over $100,000 and it might come across as being somehow cost inefficient when it is compared with the other option of simply planting trees. It should be remembered this is only for the test devices in Lima, and with deforestation ploughing ahead, we may be left with installing outdoor filtration systems as the only method of maintaining our growing cities free of pollution (Wang, Pereira & Hung, 2004).
Constructing airtight domes
In some parts of the world, the air quality is so poor that learning institutions have decided to take matters into their own hand by setting up an inflatable airtight dome whose purpose was to cover the institution’s sports field. The dome covers a total of four courts used for playing badminton and allows the students to continue playing their favorite sport without being harmed by the city’s toxic air (Farrauto, Gulati, & Heck, 2013). The institution,  Dulwich College, is a high class fee paying international institution in China; however, with the pollution in the air affecting all other institutions in the vicinity, other learning institutions are keen to follow suit. The dome was purchased after one spell of bad air kept the school children indoors for a period spanning twenty days. Even though it still remains debatable whether being within an inflatable sports dome still qualifies as playing outdoors, the solution allows the school children to take part in outdoor activities during spells of significantly bad air quality as well as during the severe winter months (Farrauto, Gulati, & Heck, 2013).
In the modern world, the owners and administrators of energy plants have to deal with an ever increasing number of regulations against contamination of the environment around them. These rules have meant that the penalties and fines for breaking any of the rules make it profitable for companies to run in an environmentally friendly manner. The many summits on climate change have developed a carbon trading system that allow the energy efficient and environmentally friendly industries to profit by exchanging carbon credits with industries that have not yet met their carbon emission levels. These and many other incentives have encouraged industries to deviate towards cleaner ways of carrying out their businesses.
Farrauto, R. J., Gulati, S. T., & Heck, R. M. (2013). Catalytic air pollution control: Commercial technology. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Mycock, J. C. (1995). Handbook of air pollution control engineering and technology. Boca Raton [u.a.: Lewis Publ.
Mudakavi, J. R. (2010). Principles and practices of air pollution control and analysis. New Delhi: I.K. International Publishing House.
Wang, L. K., Pereira, N. C., & Hung, Y.-T. (2004). Air pollution control engineering. Totowa, N.J: Humana Press.
Wang, L. K., Pereira, N. C., & Hung, Y.-T. (2004). Air pollution control engineering. Totowa, N.J: Humana Press.


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