Posted: September 17th, 2017

Define ad evaluate the scope and nature of social work practice and the challenges associated with contemporary social work in relation to anti-racist practice

Book details: Anti-Racist Practice in Social work: Reshaping social work, by Kish Bhatti-Sinclair, Published in 2011.

Write a review for this book, as if you were going to submit it for publication in the Journal Australian Social work or British Journal of Social Work (800 words).

Following the book review, write a reflective piece (800 words) describing the learning you will take into practice as a result of reading this book. Answer the question: “What kind of social worker will I be?’, relate to theories (eg: critical social work theory, feminism) , and with reference to any literature and the book that you have reviewed.

Assessment Criteria:
– Define ad evaluate the scope and nature of social work practice and the challenges associated with contemporary social work in relation to anti-racist practice.
– Identify and critique the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary critical practice in human service.
– Compare and contrast the value of different theoretical frameworks informing practice
– Well develop written communication skills with appropriate referencing and citations.

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