Posted: December 9th, 2014

Define Community and Need for my topic: Students attending K-12 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, Public school system for a program to improve the eating and exercise habits, therefore decrease the rising rates of obesity.

Define Community and Need for my topic: Students attending K-12 in Miami-Dade County, Florida, Public school system for a program to improve the eating and exercise habits, therefore decrease the rising rates of obesity.

Paper instructions:
This is for a masters of medical science. It is a semester long course and I will be posting many of the assignments for this same project. Attached you will find the assignment guidelines and my chosen topic in the previous assignments for this same final project. Also the attachment titled wk4 audience analysis template should be used to write paper in.

The course description is as follows:

I want to give you an overview of the work you can expect to be doing in this course.

You will be developing a project to meet an unmet community medical need. This can be anything from providing transportation to medical appointments to education on HIV/AIDS prevention. You can choose to serve a community in your backyard or one half way around the world.

The final project will be the tangibles that you have created. Often these take the form of educational materials such as powerpoint lectures. Depending on the project, the tangibles might also include advertisements for seminars, pre- and post-test assessments or materials written in more than one language. Just keep in mind that you will be required to actually create something that will impact your unmet need.

In order to get to the final project, you will need to do some research. Ask yourself, “What program or strategy has been proven to work in the literature for the unmet need I want to impact?” “What works for this patient population?” You will be writing a literature review to prove what works. Basically, you will be justifying your project.

After you have discovered the best strategies/programs, you will tailor that to your own patient population. You will do a needs assessment and develop a budget for implementing the project. There are a variety of assignments but each one will build on what you have done and learned thus far.

So, this is not the final project, only the audience analysis with instructions in the “guidelines” attachment. The topic is in the Wk3 document.


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