Posted: September 11th, 2015

Democratic Schools: Lessons in Powerful Education

review/ critique of ( Democratic Schools: Lessons in Powerful Education”, Michael Apple and James Beane)
write a review/ critique of ( Democratic Schools: Lessons in Powerful Education”, Michael Apple and James Beane)

These written critiques should involve
(1) identifying the book’s main themes and investments;
(2) identifying its connections with the foundational reading;
(3) discussing its relevance for your field of study.

my Program Overview (HOL)

Human and organizational learning is an interdisciplinary approach that offers insights about people facing complex issues concerning individual and organizational effectiveness. Human and Organizational Learning provides professionals, managers and consultants with a foundation in relevant theories, concepts and practices.

The program focuses on the inter-relationships among people, organizations and learning while utilizing systemic change processes. Theory, research and practice are balanced throughout the curriculum. Students are encouraged to form communities to provide collective support, promote action learning and model a learning culture.
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