Posted: June 3rd, 2016

Data Integrity and Confidentiality – Describe procedures to maintain data confidentiality and integrity.

General Description of the Proposed Research
– Demonstrate the ethical rationale for each component of data collection by describing how each will be analyzed to address the research question(s).
– Provide specific descriptions of the tasks the participants will be asked to complete.

Community Research Stakeholders and Partners
– Submit a signed Letter of Cooperation from any community partner who will be involved in identifying potential participants or collecting data.
– Submit a signed Data Use Agreement from any organization that will be providing records to the researcher.
– Describe the plan for sharing research results with relevant stakeholders.

Potential Risks and Benefits
– Describe anticipated risks and benefits of study participation.
– Make provisions to minimize risks to research participants and document those procedures.

Data Integrity and Confidentiality
– Describe procedures to maintain data confidentiality and integrity.
– If data includes personal identifiers, submit signed certificates of confidentiality for everyone who has access to the data (except faculty members).
– If applicable, complete extra sections relevant to protected health information.

Potential Conflicts of Interest
– Disclose and manage potential conflicts of interest.

Data Collection Tools
– Describe all tools (surveys, interview questions, etc.) and authorizations related to data collection including evidence of compliance with copyright holder’s terms of usage, permission to reproduce the instrument in the dissertation, or confirmation that the tool is public domain (as applicable).

Description of the Research Participants
– Describe the study population, particularly inclusion and exclusion criteria, to demonstrate that those who shoulder the burden of the research will actually benefit from it.
– Describe how any vulnerable populations will be protected from safety/privacy risks and pressure to participate.

Informed Consent
– Make provisions to obtain and document informed consent from all study participants and the appropriate parents, guardians, or caregivers.
-Submit unsigned copies of any relevant consent documents

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