Posted: September 13th, 2017

Dependence of Man on the Environment

Dependence of Man on the Environment

Project description
Before you begin this assignment, watch the video titled The Scientific Method Presentation. Then, read “Lab 2: Water Quality and Contamination.” This lab will allow

you to investigate the effects of common pollutants on groundwater as well as mimic the filtration process utilized by wastewater treatment facilities. Additionally,

you will perform tests on your own tap water to compare differences in contaminants found in bottled versus tap water. Then, you will utilize this information and your

eScience lab kit to complete Experiments 1 through 3 on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form. Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:

Read through the introductory material and watch The Scientific Method Presentation video.
Perform Experiment 1: Effects of Groundwater Contamination using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Table 1 and answer Post Lab Questions 1 through 5 in complete sentences on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form.
Complete Experiment 2: Water Treatment using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Answer Post Lab Questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form.
Complete Experiment 3: Drinking Water Quality using your eScience lab manual and kit.
Complete Tables 2 through 6 and answer Post Lab Questions 1 through 4 in complete sentences on the Week Two Lab Reporting Form.
Go to “Lab 3: Biodiversity,” and complete Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants steps 1 through 6. Steps 1 through 6 need to be completed in order to be prepared for Week

Three; however, results for this experiment will not be calculated until next week. Thus, nothing is to be handed in for this experiment until the end of Week Three

Lab 2 – Water Quality and Contamination
Experiment 1: Effects of Groundwater Contamination
Table 1: Water Observations (Smell, Color, Etc.)
Beaker    Observations

1.    Develop hypotheses on the ability of oil, vinegar, and laundry detergent to contaminate groundwater.

a.    Oil hypothesis =
b.    Vinegar hypothesis =
c.    Laundry detergent hypothesis =

2.    Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept each hypothesis that you produced in question 1?  Explain how you determined this.

a.    Oil hypothesis accept/reject =
b.    Vinegar hypothesis accept/reject =
c.    Laundry detergent hypothesis accept/reject =

3.    What affects did each of the contaminants have on the water in the experiment? Which contaminant seemed to have the most potent effect on the water?

Answer =

4.    Using at least 1 scholarly source, discuss what type of affects these contaminants (oil, vinegar, detergent) might have on a town’s water source and the people

who drank the water?

Answer =

5.    Describe what type of human activity would cause contaminants like oil, acid and detergents to flow into the water supply?  Additionally, what other items

within your house do you believe could contaminate the water supply if you were to dump them onto the ground?

Answer =

Experiment 2: Water Treatment


1.    Develop a hypothesis on the ability of your filtration technique to remove contaminants.

Hypothesis =

2.    Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1?  Explain how you determined this.

Accept/Reject =

3.    What are the differences in color, smell, visibility, etc. between the “contaminated” water and the “treated” water?

Answer =

4.    From the introduction to this lab, you know that there are typically five steps involved in the water treatment process. Identify the processes (e.g.,

coagulation) that were used in this lab and describe how they were performed.

Answer =

Experiment 3: Drinking Water Quality
Table 2: Ammonia Test Results
Water Sample    Test Results
Tap Water
Dasani® Bottled Water
Fiji® Bottled Water

Table 3: Chloride Test Results
Water Sample    Test Results
Tap Water
Dasani® Bottled Water
Fiji® Bottled Water

Table 4: 4 in 1 Test Results
Water Sample    pH    Total Alkalinity    Total Chlorine    Total Hardness
Tap Water
Dasani® Bottled Water
Fiji® Bottled Water

Table 5: Phosphate Test Results
Water Sample    Test Results
Tap Water
Dasani® Bottled Water
Fiji® Bottled Water

Table 6: Iron Test Results
Water Sample    Test Results
Tap Water
Dasani® Bottled Water
Fiji® Bottled Water


1.    Develop a hypothesis on which water source you believe will contain the most and least contaminants.

Hypothesis =

2.    Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1?  Explain how you determined this.

Accept/reject =

3.    Based on the results of your experiment, what major differences, if any, do you notice between the Dasani, Fiji, and tap water?

Answer =

4.    Based on your results, do you believe that bottled water is worth the price?  Why or why not?

Answer =

*NOTE – Do not forget to go to Lab 3: Biodiversity, and complete “Experiment 1: Diversity of Plants” steps 1 through 6. Steps 1 through 6 need to be completed in order

to be prepared for Week Three, however, results for this experiment will not be calculated until next week. Thus, while nothing is to be handed in for this experiment

until the end of Week Three you must plant the seeds this week to ensure that you can complete week 3 on time.

Any sources utilized should be listed here.


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