Posted: November 25th, 2014



Order Description

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
Focus on explaining the topic.
Body (minimum of 3 paragraphs)
? Examine all aspects of the topic. Show your knowledge and grasp of the material
you have read.
o Discuss the differing opinions of the topic as reflected in the research. o Discuss any issues or problems.
? Did you have enough information?
o Did the research raise issues you hadn’t considered?
o Did the research contain confusing, incomplete or contradictory information?
? Explain how your research influenced your thinking. o If your thinking has changed, what changed it?
? If your thinking has not changed, how did what you learned support your original opinion?
o If you’re not sure about your opinion, what information might you need to form an
Conclusion (generally 1-2 paragraph)
The conclusion rounds off the essay.
Refer back to your main ideas or points and reiterate your answer to the question. NEVER introduce new information in your conclusion.
The conclusion moves from specific to general.
The total length of the essay should be about 1000
words. Essays are shorter pieces of writing. Therefore, essays are (by nature) concise and require you to be clear and to the point. This means that there is no room for your thoughts to wander or stray … you must be deliberate and stay on topic.
Perhaps it is helpful to think of an essay in terms of a conversation or debate with a classmate. If you and I were discussing whether or not there should be a death penalty in the US, there would be a beginning, middle and end to our conversation. As with a conversation, your essay must be complete, and logically so, leaving no doubt as to your intent or argument. However – again, think of this as a conversation – your essay does not have be formal but should be in APA style. Remember, you’re talking about your ideas and thought processes … don’t try to do that in third person!
To help you stay on topic, your human resources essay should be organized in keeping with the outline below.


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