Posted: July 31st, 2017

Dervid, an adolescent boy was admitted for substance abuse and hallucinations. The client’s mother asks Nurse Armando to talk with his husband when he arrives at the hospital. The mother says that she is afraid of what the father might say to the boy. The most appropriate nursing intervention would be to:

Dervid, an adolescent boy was admitted for substance abuse and hallucinations. The client’s mother asks Nurse Armando to talk with his husband when he arrives at the hospital. The mother says that she is afraid of what the father might say to the boy. The most appropriate nursing intervention would be to:

a. Inform the mother that she and the father can work through this problem themselves.
b. Refer the mother to the hospital social worker.
c. Agree to talk with the mother and the father together.
d. Suggest that the father and son work things out.

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