Posted: July 31st, 2017

Dervid, an adolescent has a history of truancy from school, running away from home and “borrowing” other people’s things without their permission. The adolescent denies stealing, rationalizing instead that as long as no one was using the items, it was all right to borrow them. It is important for the nurse to understand the psychodynamically, this behavior may be largely attributed to a developmental defect related to the:

Dervid, an adolescent has a history of truancy from school, running away from home and “borrowing” other people’s things without their permission. The adolescent denies stealing, rationalizing instead that as long as no one was using the items, it was all right to borrow them. It is important for the nurse to understand the psychodynamically, this behavior may be largely attributed to a developmental defect related to the:

a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Oedipal complex

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