Posted: February 19th, 2015

Describe and compare the economies of the United Arab Emirates and India

Describe and compare the economies of the United Arab Emirates and India

Order Description

Comparative Analysts between UAE and India’s economies.

The subject aims to equip students with the knowledge of, and capability to employ, basic economic concepts and theory – both in the practice of management within the

firm, and in understanding the impacts on business of the events of the economic environment in which businesses operate. On successful completion of this subject,

students should:

1. Be able to understand and apply economic principles and concepts in the process of business management and decision-making
2. Be familiar with the economic characteristics of their firm or organisation, and able to utilise that knowledge in analysis of the entity’s operations and

interaction with other related entities
3. Have a clear appreciation of the nature of the economic forces impacting on firms in the real business environment
4. Utilise current published articles and other information on business and the broader national and international economy, and interpret these as to likely economic

environmental effects on business and other organisations.
5. Understand underlying economic theory to a level which allows analysis and interpretation of new economic events and circumstances as they arise, and the nature and

impact of macroeconomic economic policy measures.

The subject assumes no prior study of economics and no specific mathematical skills are assumed. However it is expected that students will be familiar with standard

techniques such as graphical depiction of relationships and the basic mathematics underlying those relationships, and the use of simple equations.


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