Posted: February 28th, 2017

Describe the creators. Are the creators male or female, and of what significance is gender? Describe what they created, including the steps or cycles of creation

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about two creation myths that address the following: • Pick at least two creation myths from two different cultures. For ideas, refer to this week’s readings and the myths section of the Big Myths website for animated presentations of many creation myths. • Which world or worlds, such as sky, earth, and underworld, are represented in the myths you chose? What are the elements of these worlds? • Describe the creators. Are the creators male or female, and of what significance is gender? Describe what they created, including the steps or cycles of creation. Also, include descriptions of any destroyers or destruction if applicable. • Include the role of cosmic occurrences or natural phenomena, such as celestial bodies, floods, rain, wind, and fire. • Compare the creators, creations, the steps or cycle of creation, and the cosmic elements of the two myths. What are the similarities and differences?

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