Posted: April 12th, 2017

Describe an ethical issue, such as in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, sterilization, abortion, genetic counseling, euthanasia, or medical marijuana. What is the historical and current impact of the issue?

  • Past due

Your team has been assigned to give a presentation to your organization’s board of ethics. The team will discuss an ethical issue that faces your organization and its social responsibility toward the issue.

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that discusses the ethical issue. Include the following:

Describe an ethical issue, such as in vitro fertilization, surrogate motherhood, sterilization, abortion, genetic counseling, euthanasia, or medical marijuana. What is the historical and current impact of the issue? What is the team’s position on this issue? Do you support it? Oppose it? Explain why.

Include at least 3 sources in your presentation.

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