Posted: June 3rd, 2016

Describe the museum/memorial: architectural design, materials used and the general layout of the different sections/displays comprising the building?

I. The actual site
– Describe the museum/memorial: architectural design, materials used and the general layout of the different sections/displays comprising the building? What is its significance in relation to the message the museum/memorial is trying to convey?  What is interesting about this site?
– What are the different sections/displays and how does each section/display connect to each other? What is the common thread or theme that runs through all the sections/displays?

II. Date and time of visit
– When did you conduct your site visit?
– At what time of the day or night?

III. Overview of the site visit
– Walk around the entire site, inside and out: feel the surrounding. What is your overall impression of the site? What does this remind you of in terms of specific course themes/issues/concepts that we discuss in class?
– Was there a special activity or event occurring while you were there?
– Describe the event and how you and others were involved.

IV. History of the site
– While at the site, find out this information – What is the purpose of this site?
– What is the main activity that occurs at this site?
– What is the history of this site?
– What are some of the values of the groups that use this site?

V. Focus Activity ( Daniels story)
– Select a specific place/piece/display inside/within the museum/memorial and look at it quietly for, at least, 30 minutes.
– Reflect on it… let the place/piece/display speak for itself. Let it speak to you. What does it tell you? Do not impose your assumptions or opinions to the place/object/ display. Be imaginative. Be enveloped by new insights in light of your focus activity.
– Be aware of the shape, color, design, images, smell of your chosen place, piece or display (you need to highlight this information in your essay).
– You may write down your thoughts and feelings for discussion later on.
– Why did you choose your focus activity on that particular place/piece/display?
– Describe your experience, including what you saw, felt and learned during the focus activity.

VI. Which specific concepts and ideas from course reading best relate to your site visit experience? In what ways do such concepts and ideas relate? Please explain full well. Give concrete examples from your site visit experience to substantiate your claims.

VII. Conclusion/Summary
– Please come up with a compelling collective conclusion or summary in light of your discussion and reflection: How does the site visit experience impact you as an individual?
– What meanings and interpretations do you associate with your site visit experience as a whole? What personal thoughts and feelings does the experience evoke? Why?


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