Posted: September 14th, 2017

Descriptive/exploratory analyses of epidemiological data: Frequency distributions, central tendency, standard deviation, standard error, variance, confidence intervals.

E – Portfolio contents:
This portfolio is designed to let you demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understanding relating to the practical epidemiological concepts covered on the module. You will be provided with relevant epidemiological datasets and required thorough the portfolio to demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding relating to:
a) Generating and testing hypotheses.
b) Accessing epidemiological datasets.
c) Preparation of epidemiological data for analyses: Types of variables, recoding outcome and predictor variables.
d) Descriptive/exploratory analyses of epidemiological data: Frequency distributions, central tendency, standard deviation, standard error, variance, confidence intervals.
e) Describing trends over time, place and by individual characteristics.
f) Differences between groups.
g) Measures of association.
h) Causality and adjustment…………………….

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