Posted: September 13th, 2017

Design of a Graduate Development Programme

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Coursework Title:

Individual assignment A: Design of a Graduate Development Programme

Task Details/Description:

Your task is to plan a development programme for a new graduate on completion of his/her degree programme within an organization of your choice. You have two options:-

·Base your assignment on an organization with which you are familiar through your placement year.

·Focus on an organization where you would ideally love to work in the future. This may involve research through the internet or other means to gain background information.

Even though you may be drawing on your own experience and aspirations, the assignment should be completed in the third person, i.e. as though written by a third party- an HRD specialist, for example.

The development programme should last for three months, and should incorporate both on and off the job training. You MUST have a specific organization in mind to provide the background for your development programme. You are allowed to make reasonable assumptions, for example, the job the graduate will perform on completion of development, and person-related training needs.

·You should take into account the following:-

The objectives for the development programme

How the plan fits with the HRD strategy of the organization

Psychological and sociological learning theories to underpin proposals

A range of interventions based on formal as well as informal learning

How the learning will be evaluated

·You should present a detailed timetable of the development programme, stating your objectives for the programme, and detailing the business case for your proposal.

·You should specify how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the event.

Module Learning Outcomes Assessed:

1.Professional Skills:
Apply the theories learned on the module and design a learning intervention for a live case study organisation ensuring the alignment between the systematic training design and organisational strategy.

2.Intellectual Skills:
Critical evaluation, reasoning, analysis, synthesis.

3.Knowledge & Understanding:
Explain the different facets of training design and critically examine the contextual factors that impact upon that shape training design.
Identify the individual components of training design and critically examine their core underlying theories.
Critically evaluate the role of key stakeholders in the planning, design and delivery of training interventions.
Evaluate the extent to which each of the learning theories can be applied to androgogy and the way in which these can be operationalised in a workplace context.

4.Transferrable Skills:
Time management, communicating ideas effectively, planning and organising, working independently, discussing in teams, job analysis, secondary research skills and ICT skills.

Presentation Requirements:

Font Size: 12 point Arial or Times New Roman

Line Spacing: 1.5 line spacing

Referencing: Harvard Style Referencing throughout

Report format but ensure that you construct a narrative and focus on continuous prose as much as possible.

You will need to make a start on your assignment at an early stage to meet the deadline comfortably. You will see that each week is closely linked with a chapter within the recommended textbook- Mankin 2009.
Assessment Criteria

Theoretical analysis 40%
Theoretical issues highlighted to set work into broader
context, e.g. learning theory, training needs analysis, factors in the
organizational context impacting upon learning (organizational
learning?), types of learning events and rationale for their use,
how the effectiveness of the programme might be evaluated.

Application 40%

Organization selected upon which to base assignment.
Appropriateness of learning interventions proposed given the
business challenges faced (e.g. relationship to business strategy).
The extent to which the timetable is realistic, given business
constraints (e.g. costs, time, implications for other employees).

Presentation 20%

Report format but ensure that you construct a narrative and focus on continuous prose as much as possible. Bring together theoretical and practical
perspectives. Well structured, written (language and spelling)
and referenced.

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