Posted: September 16th, 2017

Determinants of health and impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, and how the community nurse can address these issues.


Well written nursing essay.
Australian writter required.
1500 word count.
12 references, in-text and refrence list to be done in Harvard style, and no older than 10 years.

Identify relevant literature and other sources of evidence to explore and explain the factors that have contributed to the poor health outcomes experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Include in discussion the historical context and social determinants that impact on the health of this population. Ensure to provide evidence to support your discussion from current and relevant literature.

Demonstrate how nurses can address the social determinants identified when caring for Aboriginal and Torres Islander people within your discussion.

Use the marking rubric, this will enable you to make sure that all the required elements have been covered.
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