Posted: September 16th, 2017

determine how to identify and develop potential leaders

determine how to identify and develop potential leaders

read the assignment carefully below before start writing .

Assignment :
See the presentation in Documents which contains the results of the administration of a personality assessment, the NEO – PI-R, to groups of a for-profit company’s highest potential employees, who were selected to participate in a leadership development program, tailored differently for each group.

The Band J group is composed of employees who held the title of VP.  The 104 employees were selected from an overall population of 650 VPs based on several criteria that measured leadership potential and performance.

The Bands GHI group contains, in essence, the next level down of employees. The 121 employees were selected from an overall population of 2000 employees at the same level, based on several criteria (both different from and similar to the Band J criteria) that measured leadership potential and performance.
The NEO is based on the five-factor model of personality, which includes emotional stability, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness.  Each of these five factors is composed of six subcategories or facets.  The graphs show the results for each of the facets for each factor, displaying the average T-score.  As you might expect, some score above the average (>55), some in the average range (45-55), and some score below average (<45).

Overall, your job at the company requires you to determine how to identify and develop potential leaders, and you are intrigued by this data and how personality, leadership potential and leadership might be connected. So you decide you will explore this further and ultimately will need to develop a methodology for doing so.  Your assignment:

1.    Create a theoretical framework that will support and guide the hypotheses you will make.
2.    Identify the concerns you might have about creating any hypotheses based on this data.
3.    What is one high-level research question based on the overall data you would feel comfortable making. Explain why.
4.    Identify one possible hypothesis based on the results for Band J you would feel comfortable making. Explain why.
5.    Identify one possible hypothesis based on the results for Bands GHI you would feel comfortable making. Explain why.
6.    Identify one possible hypothesis regarding the differences between the two groups you would be comfortable making. Explain why.

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