Posted: November 30th, 2016

Determine whether this is a case falling within the scope of the “responsibility to protect” doctrine.

Please evaluate the current and potential future relevance of the “responsibility to protect” in light

of the case of Syria (or, alternatively, choose one case of your own interest). Your analysis should

cover at least the following four issues:

1. Determine whether this  is a case falling within the scope of the “responsibility to protect”


2. Identify whether the “responsibility to protect” has been “activated” in this case or used by any

international actor to advocate for certain actions.

3. Evaluate the main limits/obstacles/difficulties surrounding this case (that either  have  made it

impossible for the doctrine to be activated or that show the doctrine’s shortcomings).

4. In light of the above, reflect on the potential of the doctrine to reach its initially intended goals.

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