Posted: September 13th, 2017

Develop a research problem and specific questions that can be explored through statistical analysis of your chosen data set (EDUCATION -LSYPE(2004-2010) "a cut down version of first seven wave of the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England &quo

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A) By referring to literature,develop a research problem (and specific questions) that can be explored through statistical analysis of a survey data set- EDUCATION – LYSPE (2004-2010), a cut down version of the seven waves of the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England which collected data from a cohort of young people between 2004 and 2010(when the cohort were aged between 13/14 and 20/21). ESDS unique study number – 5545.
B) Using statistical software, analyse your chosen data set. Present this analysis in a report format, discuss the main findings and how they fit within the research literature.
C) Specifically, this assessment will assess your quantitative research, statistical software and communication skill in relation to the following areas:
– The quantitative approach / methodology 
– Data manipulation and preparation 
– Univariate exploratory data analysis (EDA)
– Bivariate EDA 
– Hypothesis testing 
– Elaborating hypotheses
– interpretation of analysis output
D) Data manipulation, preparation, analysis and presentation of statistical output using “SPSS” command.

***You are expected to address each of the following seven stages:
1) Abstract / Overview- summarise section 2-6 below. Provide an overview of the research approach and state the key findings. (Up to 250)
2) Research Problem and Questions – with reference to appropriate academic literature, construct a research problem that could be explored through the analysis of your selected survey data set. The Broad research problem should be developed into specific research questions with suitable (and critical) reference literature. Please note, you are “RESTRICTED”to focussing on a SINGLE OUTCOME VARIABLE ( the dependent variable DV) and just two explanatory variables (independent variables IVs) – up to 500 words.
3) METHODOLOGY- Reflect on your research problem and specific questions.consider the strengths and limitations of secondary data analysis. Provide a brief overview of the methodology and clearly explain the specific SAMPLING and MEASUREMENT issues that may have DIRECT IMPACT on your research problem and critically discuss the possible nature of this impact. (Up to 500words)
4) DATA PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION- Explain and justify any data manipulation techniques you apply to the data, clearly present and describe the DISTRIBUTIONS OF THE DV AND TWO IVs. Critically discuss the final operationalisation of the elements in your research. Provide a brief overview of the planned Bivariate and multi variate analyses and, by referring back to the literature, consider what they might reveal.
(up to 400 words).
5) BIVARIATE ANALYSIS- Using appropriate statistical and/or graphical techniques examine how each of your IVs IS associated with the DV. Use appropriate tests of statistical significance to see whether it is reasonable to infer these associations to the population presented by the survey. Consider the strength of association and reflect on what it means. Succinctly summarise these two analysis in one paragraph. (up to 400 words).
6) MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS (Elaboration). -please elaborate on both your Bivariate analysis. You are not expected to introduce a new variable to do this, stick with just the single Dv and two IVs.
7) SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION. -succinctly summarise the main story of the analyses presented in parts “4” and “6”. Discuss how your analyses fit within the research literature discussed in part “2”. Conclude the report and critically reflect on the research as a whole, suggest improvements and further directions of enquiry. (up to 500 words)


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