Posted: September 13th, 2017

Developing A Multi-Channel Customer Strategy



Developing A Multi-Channel Customer  Strategy

1. Identify a company (Rogers communication) to manage their customer contacts across multiple channels
3. Research the company�s corporate strategy
4. Research and document at least one ideal customer profile � ie; (demographics, psychographics, etc.)
5. Identify the channels you would like to employ to provide service to your customers, (phone, text, social media, etc.)
6. Document a customer process using MS � Viseo
7. Develop a report that includes the following:
a. Executive Summary, (no more than 500 words please)
b. Overview of the company strategy in your own words (Include references where necessary)
c. Your customer profile (one page)
d. Your customer service process (Viseo Diagram)

Note: Spelling and grammar counts, as does the degree of effort in relation to your peers.

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