Posted: February 17th, 2015

Developing a Social Marketing Behaviour Change Intervention

Developing a Social Marketing Behaviour Change Intervention

From a Communications Intervention
To combat the serious and widespread problem of football-related racism, abuse and violence in Europe, many communication and awareness raising campaigns have been

launched. Many of these campaigns are well funded, highly visible and have received support from high profile figures such as football players and other celebrities.

One such campaign is ‘Show Racism the Red Card’, run by the UK’s anti-racism educational charity. There are concerns however about the effectiveness of many of these

campaigns to actually change behaviours or even have any real impact on attitudes and values.
To demonstrate how adopting a social marketing approach to a communication intervention might increase the chances of achieving a measurable behaviour change effect,

choose ONE existing digital communications platform as described in the 2014 Show Racism the Red Card Annual Report (page 9). This should be EITHER the Website,

Facebook account, Twitter account or YouTube channel of Show Racism the Red Card. Note – PDF copies of the report and links to the various web pages are available on

Based on reported case data, briefly DESCRIBE and DISCUSS the objectives and impact of the original communications intervention.  Then OUTLINE a possible social

marketing based extension /development of the platform that could be integrated or added with the aim of achieving a measurable behaviour change amongst its target

audience.  Also, very briefly describe how this could be EVALUATED.
Assessment will be based on demonstration of critical appreciation of –
•    The importance but also limitations of communication-based campaigns.
•    How social marketing methods might be used to strengthen their impact.
•    What evaluation measures and indicators are appropriate?
•    What ethical issues should be considered?
•    The relevance and contribution of behaviour change theory to the goal of promoting racially tolerant behaviours and attitudes.
You therefore need to make sure that you have written about all of these topics in your assignment and demonstrated to the tutor that you have an understanding of

these topics. You will therefore need to do some careful reading about these topics.
Check through this list and see how these topic links into the tasks you have been set. Think carefully about how you will integrate these aspects into your report.

Where is the best place in the report to include these aspects? How will these fit into your word account?
When you have finished your report, you need to make sure that you have covered all the topic given above.
You also need to:
•      Discuss the ethical issues which should be considered
•      Discuss the relevant and contribution of behaviour change theory to the goal of the    intervention
•    When you are DESCRIBING the objectives and impacts you would be referring to your case data and summarising the relevant aspects; you are giving an overview of

these aspects for the reader. This section will be heavily based on the case data and it is important that you may not have many references.
•    When you DISCUSS the objectives and impacts, this is when you can demonstrate your critical thinking and analysis. DISCUSSING is when you write about the issue

in detail, taking into account different points of view, or different ideas. You may also want to include some reference to the complexities which are associated which

the issues you are discussing. When you are “discussing” you would need to refer to other resources (your reading) and think carefully about what is important in your

discussions. This is where your reading around the subject becomes very important.
•    If you are asked to OUTLINE an issue or intervention, you need to summarise the key points, or the most important aspects of the topic. You may need to refer

to your reading here, particularly if you want to argue that one aspect is more important than another.
•    CRITICAL APPRECIATION- Show your understanding of the topic- including advantages/positives/benefits and disadvantages/negatives/limitations
Think about your format before you start writing. This will help you focus your reading and also keep your word count manageable. It will also help you break the task

There is no one set format. The crucial thing about the report in that you have completed all the tasks you have been set, shown your understanding of the topics and

have demonstrated your thinking. The report should be written and structured to be reader-friendly: therefore, use the way the task has been set out to the guide you

towards your final structure. The following comments are for general guidance only.
•    This is a report and so a contents sheet may be useful
•    You can use headings- but make sure they are relevant to the tasks you have been set and are set out in a logical order
•    Make sure you have an introduction and conclusion. You need to adapt these to your assignment
•    Where possible write in paragraphs. However, you can use bullet points when appropriate. The crucial think in that you should have clearly communicated your

ideas and understanding to the reader
•    You need to separate reference list at the end of the report. This is not counted in your final word count
Your report should be written and structured to be reader-friendly.  It should also be FULLY REFERENCED to support the analysis and recommendations AND to acknowledge

the work of other authors. Any plagiarism will be dealt with strictly according to university procedures.
•    Stages of Change Theory    (Behaviour change is a gradual multi-stage process)
•    Social Cognitive Theory   (Social context matters)
•    Social Norms Theory   (What other people do around us matters)
•    Social Epistemology Theory   (Knowledge has a social as well as a personal dimension)
•    Social Ecological Theory   (Everything is connected so the smallest act can have massive repercussions)
•    Social Capital Theory   (A sense of belonging to and trust in our communities is vital)
•    Exchange Theory   (We look for benefits when considering change)
Word Limit: 3000


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