Posted: September 15th, 2015

Developing a Spiritual Care Program

You have been invited to develop a Spiritual Care Program that will be responsive to the needs of the following three constituent groups:
· Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities
· Informal Family Caregivers
· Formal Caregiving Staff and Direct Service Providers
In about 3 pages, prepare a proposal for Program Development that addresses the following three parts:
1. Identify and briefly describe those components you feel are essential for inclusion.
2. Provide your rationale for selecting the above programmatic components.
3. Do you envision any resistance or roadblocks in implementing your proposed Spiritual Care Program? If so, how will you successfully address and resolve those challenges?

Topic: Principles of the “Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services”
Based on the tenets of Catholic health care ministry, please address the following:
Select Five Principles from the “Ethical and Religious Directives” for discussion, e.g., life-prolonging procedures; suicide; therapeutic intervention; transplantation of organs from living donors; life-sustaining technologies; euthanasia; medically-assisted nutrition and hydration; pain management; medical or genetic experimentation; donation of organs and bodily tissue.
In about three pages total, respond to the following two questions:
1. From a Catholic perspective, what is the Church’s position on each of the five selected Principles?
2. Describe how each of the five selected Principles applies to Senior Health Care ministry.
Topic: Training Proposal on “Caring for the Caregiver” Your organization has asked you to prepare a training proposal entitled, “Caring for the Caregiver.” You can focus on EITHER of the following target populations: Family Caregivers or Professional Senior Health Care Providers. Select only ONE population.
In about two pages, please provide the following information in your Proposal:
1. Identify the topics to be addressed in the training.
2. Provide your rationale, with some supporting research-based data for selecting those particular topics.


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