Posted: September 13th, 2017

Developing your Creative and Entrepreneurial Potential

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


I’ll upload the instruction and supporting files.


In this assessment you’re required to answer 3 questions which you can see in the file named ” XBR102 Assessment Rubric Personal Learning Statement 1″. It is also the assessment rubric.


Here is the supporting audio for this assessment that my tutor posted:


There are 2 videos that we have watched (it is related to the first 2 questions I guess):


4phases of the group sense making that my tutor mentioned about (it was one of the other small assessment for each above video after watching that I had to do it before. And I’ll upload what I had for one of that video for you to have a look):

-After having watch the video by Alan Watts, contribute in this space the FEELINGS that you felt watching the video.

Note: we don’t need your opinions, just your FEELINGS.

-In this area, after having read around 20 of your classmates contributions to phase 1, COMPARE and CONTRAST your feelings with those of your classmates.

In a seperate paragraph, tell us WHAT IT MEANS to you.

-Show the Alan Watts video to someone else not in DYCEP, and ask them what they think it means.

Does their reply VALIDATE your thinking, or perhaps change your thinking?

-Having completed the first 3 phases, now just state if you notice any change in your thinking from before having watched the Alan Watts video till now.



For the question 3, here is the supporting video:


For the “HOW TO” statement, I love cooking and I would like to start a small business such as a Asian restaurant later. So please stick to that idea.




More important I need to have some references as well and about one page for each question. However please meet the requirement in the Rubric file, it shows how my tutor will mark my paper.

Also I’ve already paid for the top 10 writer service so I expect the best of my papers will be delivered.


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