Posted: September 13th, 2017

Development of Abstract and Presentation

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



This assignment have three parts:
1. this is recommendation: Staff could provide special workshops such as increasing research skills and English support classes to further enhance their education, and prepare a brief proposal outlining a plan for your workplace to address this recommendation.
The plan should include:
– The work team/unit that will be involved in the proposed change
– Suggested changes to work practices, including the objectives of the change
– strategies for implementation of proposed changes
– performance indicators that will be used to evaluate the success of the changes
– resources required for the change
2- Prepare a 500 word abstract outlining your proposal
3- Prepare a 10 slide presentation to your work group outlining and explaining your proposed changes.

Please note: you should add accompanying notes to your slides and include these in your submission.

Task:This assignment is an individual assignment comprising three parts:

  1. Select one of the recommendations that were outlined in assessment task two and prepare a brief proposal outlining a plan for your workplace to address this recommendation.


Staff could provide special workshops such as increasing research skills and English support classes to further enhance their education

The plan should include:

– The work team/unit that will be involved in the proposed change

– Suggested changes to work practices, including the objectives of the  change

– strategies for implementation of proposed changes

– performance indicators that will be used to evaluate the success of the changes

– resources required for the change

2- Prepare a 500 word abstract outlining your proposal

3- Prepare a 10 slide presentation to your work group outlining and explaining your proposed changes.


Please note: you should add accompanying notes to your slides and include these in your submission.


10% Depth of understanding and analysis of current workplace challenges to professional cultural competency

10% Level of creativity and innovation in presenting strategies that could improve policy and/or enhance outcomes

20% Quality of analysis demonstrating an understanding of factors affecting the participation and involvement of Indigenous Australians


20% Effective articulation and demonstration of respect and value for Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing

10% Quality and succinctness of slides

10% Identification of strengths and weaknesses of current policies

20% Feasibility of recommendations and planned change to practice


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