Posted: September 17th, 2017

Development of learning sequence, lesson plans and rationale. Your sequence should consider the following principles for planning for English language learners

In this assignment you are required to develop a learning sequence for a specific group of learners in a TESOL context. The learning sequence should be designed to cover at least a three week time period and to be designed to reach particular learning outcomes. You are required to develop three sequential lessons from your sequence into detailed lesson plans. You are also required to construct a 500 word rationale to provide theoretical support for your sequence. You are required to clearly identify the methodology/methodologies that you are drawing on in your rationale.
A proforma should be used to present the learning sequence and the lesson plans. The learning sequence will address a particular learning need for a specific group of students.

– Build on what learners already know.
– Present new information in chunks that learners can digest.

– Include teacher input that is comprehensible to learners.
– Challenge learners to move beyond their current level of language.
– Include opportunities for learners to practice new skills and knowledge.
– Provide feedback (from teachers and/or peers).
– Provide a supportive environment.
– Be responsive to learning opportunities that occur in the classroom

The rationale should include:
– Brief description of the learners such as age, language level.
– A description of their learning needs.
– A rationale for the teaching method utilized.
– A rationale for the learning strategies, content, assessment.

The learning sequence should:
– Be presented in a proforma.
– Consider the (above) principles for planning.
– Present 3 sequential lesson plans from the learning sequence.

The lesson plans should:
– Be presented in a proforma.
– Include learning outcomes and objectives of the lesson.
– Be linked to a specific curriculum/syllabus.
– Include resources required and time for lessons.
– Include detailed procedure: introduction, presentation, practice, evaluation, summary/conclusion.
– Consider assessment.
You are encouraged to draw on your own teaching context in developing your learning sequence. If you are not currently teaching, you must describe a particular context and a specific group of learners.

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