Posted: September 16th, 2017

Diagnosis and Rectification of Automative Auxiliary Electrical Faults

Diagnosis and Rectification of Automative Auxiliary Electrical Faults

1. Provide a detailed description of the construction and operation of a electric wing mirror and supplementary restraint and airbag for Vauxhall Insignia year 2011
2. Analyse two different typical electrical faults – one for each of the systems chosen. Explain the symptoms and causes of the faults
3. Explain the systematic diagnostic techniques used to identify the faults. Include the complete process; from initial inspection through to confirmation of the faults,
4. Explain the type of diagnostic measurements and readings expected to be found during the process and how these readings would compare to the manufacturer’s specifications
5. Explain the rectification process to correct the faults; include the selection and preparation of any equipment used; the correction procedure (unit replacement or adjustment) and the evaluation of the repaired system to confirm performance

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