Posted: September 14th, 2015

Directions for writing up and submitting cases

Peak Experiences and Strategic IT alignment at Vermont Teddy Bear
Directions for writing up and submitting cases
Create a single file which contains the following parts in the given order:
1. The official coversheet given in the syllabus for all assignments. For a group case be sure to include the names of all group members who participated in completing the assignment and be sure to also state the group number first in the filename. No other coversheet is needed.
2. A copy of the completed assignment following the format requested in document Case Analysis writeup
3. When distributed, the grading rubric for the assignment
4. A second page which includes a list of theories, concepts and frameworks from readings that you found relevant in analyzing the case and why.
The file name should be in the format stated on the syllabus and/or in the Welcome message. Place this file (only one is needed if it is a group case) into the assignment dropbox by the required due date. The graded file will be returned to the assignment dropbox to the same person who submitted the case. This person is responsible for sharing the comments with the other members of the group that participated (Hint: To make is easy use your group email or your group discussion board tools).
Think of the case as a management report (probably the executive summary). Do not spend time summarizing the case. The management knows all about the company. You are explaining what the problem is (paragraph 1), what their alternatives are to solve it (paragraph 2) and which one of the alternatives your consulting group recommends and how to implement it in their situation (paragraph 3). If appropriate an appendix may be included but be sure to not in the case where it is relevant.

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