Posted: September 16th, 2017

Disability Project

Disability Project

Order Description

Disability Project-
Congestive Heart Failure(must be on this) with pitting edema in bilateral LE’s… RW use; maximally weigh down UE’s/LE’s & torso to simulate significant weakness,

fatigue & respiratory inefficiency(weighting down RLE would only be for simulation purposes…you would not put a weight on FX LE);wrap, etc. the LE’s to make them

seem “swollen”(this will also affect ROM)

You will be given a scenario that includes a specific combination of a diagnosis, co-morbidities, other physical problems, and/or injuries for you simulate and

“experience” for half a day. These will be significant enough to impact even the most basic of daily functions such as transfers, ambulation, posture, etc. in order to

fit the criteria for experiencing “disability”. Often a Dx by itself does not produce disability (at least to the degree needed for this project), so it is important

that you FULLY SIMULATE EACH PART OF THE SCENARIO. The “How” you simulate these deficits is left to your creativity; however, you need to function with ALL of the

deficits concurrently … i.e. if you have parkinson’s disease, are blind, & have a distal femur Fx, you must function with all deficits going on at the same time; you

CANNOT simulate them individually. The combination of deficits together is what provides the opportunity to feel “disabled”, and problem solving the physical function

of everyday life is the one of the main goals of completing this project. Some equipment is available from our lab however the equipment is utilized for other courses

& is limited in supply, so it is highly encouraged that you seek equipment that you choose to use from friends, co-workers, etc.

You must go about the bulk of your activities of daily living both at home (i.e. dressing, bathing, cooking, toileting, navigating steps, etc.) and out in the

community (e.g. shopping, banking, going to the post office, eating out, using public restrooms, getting to work and working .. .if they permit it & it’s possible

functionally) with this disability. For this project, you should assume your functional ability is impacted to the point where independent activities such as driving
are not possible (especially without expensive adaptations to the vehicle being driven). Upon completion of your half day experience, you must then write a paper which

includes “how you simulated’ the disability, “what you thought you would experience”, “how you managed’ your functional deficits (i.e. what did you utilize & how did

it help you overcome the disability in each task), “how you felt about yoursel f’ , “how others treated you”,and “what you learned’ about disability from the project.

***Spelling and grammar will be evaluated as well as content*{* NO abbreviations are to be used.

The following questions MUST be answered and included in you r pa per, but not in Q/A format:

1. . What diagnoses/problems were given to you to experience and how do each of them typically manifest in body systems based upon your briefresearch (what are the

associated symptoms)?

2. Describe the specific physical limitations, restrictions and challenges to function you “expe,cted” to have PRIOR TO YOUR EXPERIMENT (what specific physical

actions/tasks did you think would be limited & how). Describe how you simulated the disability by detailing how 5’ou made yourself into that patient for the half day

experience (Be specific! !!) and discuss whether or not you felt that the simulation could have been better, and in what w.ays.
3. Give a detailed and thorough description of the physical and environmental barriers you encountered as you performed
your daily activities. How did you cope with them? Were you able to overcome them? What allowed you to overcome these barriers? This portion of the paper is the “what”

you did, what road blocks to function you encountered and how you made your activities functional while having this d isability . ·

4. Describe any psychosocial barriers that you experienced. Did family and friends treatyoµ any differently? How did strangers react to you? How d id you cope with

these barriers? How did your view of yourself change, or didn’t it?

5. What did you learn from this experience? (DO not give a simple, “I understand what they go through better” answer)
– How will this experience influence yottr patient care as a PTA?


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