Posted: September 16th, 2017


 select one (1) common source of conflict in the project environment, as described within the Kerzner text. Next, suggest one (1) possible solution or preventive measure the project manager can take to avoid or minimize the conflict. Support your response with one (1) real-world example of related solutions or measures.
Schedules are the most common but the most damaging is personality clashes.  For first time project manager, their company usually provides procedures on conflict resolutions.  If this does not work or if you want to avoid this before it happens, there is the linear responsibility chart that maps everyone’s responsibilities.  This would be used while planning the activities of your project.  Also making your own rules and policies could help with future conflicts.
This is ironic as many federal employees would refuse to help as long as it is not in their job description yet it is a phrase that is hated.  According to the linear responsibility, it is the correct thing to do.

Choose one (1) of the four (4) common methods of conflict resolution proposed by Kerzner you believe to be the best, and then provide the rationale in defense of your selection. Support your response with one (1) real-world example.
The last method seems to be the best as the manager can quickly end a conflict by word.  This is used widely in the Marine Corps to end conflicts between other marines as the Staff Sergeant can order the conflict to stop and solve the problem.  The manager would need to end a conflict because it would continue with no end.  It is important for the manager to show his authority as well as to stop distractions form the main goal.

From the scenario, select one (1) common source of conflict in the project environment, as described within the Kerzner text. Next, suggest one (1) possible solution or preventive measure the project manager can take to avoid or minimize the conflict. Support your response with one (1) real-world example of related solutions or measures.
One of the most common types of conflicts is Manpower resources,  project management have to learn how to juggle their resources effectively.  The project managers have to be able to balance resources over the course of the project and try and resolve conflicts between the resources. When sharing manpower for several departmental functions, employees tend to get caught between the ongoing project performance and the requirements of the existing job responsibilities with the Functional manager and the disparate assignments dictated by a project manager.  I work for a company and we had all kinds of projects going on at the same time, alot of the time the projects would overlap thats when it becomes a problem. There was a lack of employees to work on certain projects which caused a lot of pressure and employees became less motivated to work. Everyone needed someone more than the other. This created a strain on resources, and especially manpower.
Choose one (1) of the four (4) common methods of conflict resolution proposed by Kerzner you believe to be the best, and then provide the rationale in defense of your selection. Support your response with one (1) real-world example.

The second method for resolving conflicts, I feel would be the best solution, The establishment of project resolution procedures during the early planning actives.  Planning ahead of time, you should always lengthen the time it takes to finish a specific task.  Extend the task to make sure that there are enough resources and manpower to complete that particular task. Planning ahead of time also let you be able to monopolize your time of shared resources.
Select one (1) organizational variable (e.g., time, cost, performance, etc.), and determine one (1) significant aspect in which the variable that you have chosen can influence project success. Support your response with a real-world example.
Performance plays a key role in the success of a project. A team can have the time, budget, and resources needed to accomplish their tasks, however if employees do not perform effectively the affects can be terrible. I feel that performance is the most significant influence on a project. For example, if I were part of team assembled to create a detailed outline for a department merger within my company and I decided I did not want to carry out my duties, this could result in two situations. One, others would have to assume my job therefore not focusing on their duties or my manager would have to replace me, therefore not focusing on his many tasks because he is too busy training my replacement. Either way, I am causing a disruption in progress. Regardless of budget, resources, etc. if a team has a weak link (or links), productivity will suffer.
Using the Kerzner text, analyze one (1) common source of project failure, and recommend one (1) possible solution or preventive action. Support your response with one (1) real-world example.
One source of project failure is the clashing of personalities. We see this often in diverse work environments. “Conflicts occur because people that are on the project team may have different values, interests, feelings, and goals.” (Kerzner,H., 2013) Although the input brought on by several personalities can be beneficial it can delay time and cost the company money (payroll,etc.) In order to overcome this barrier, managers can create a conflict resolution plan. Clearly identifying who employees can safely talk to about personal issues within a project team may help with this type of conflict. For example, if a team member is having a problem with his manager, he should know who to turn to for help without feeling threatened or uncomfortable. Establishing this policy brings a sense of comfort and support to team members, which may result in better performance from them because they know that there is help for them.

Select one (1) organizational variable (e.g., time, cost, performance, etc.), and determine one (1) significant aspect in which the variable that you have chosen can influence project success. Support your response with a real-world example.

Insisting on the right to select project team members.  Many managers would hold on to their best workers and send the ones that would not be missed.  Marines would do this when there is a need for a working party.  With the project managers picking their workers, it would be easier to assign workers to specific assignments than improvising.  Projects are supposed to help the company improve in some way, why not add the best people to accomplish this?
 Using the Kerzner text, analyze one (1) common source of project failure, and recommend one (1) possible solution or preventive action. Support your response with one (1) real-world example.
The downfall of many good projects is the transferring of people as soon as possible.  This should bring up a red flag as the project is not closed and the project manager would place more work on himself on anything that is not completed.  Also shifting workers to other parts of the project that is not complete would make more sense

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