Posted: November 16th, 2014

Discuss and critique CBT therapy and the role it has to play in clinical hypnosis

Discuss and critique CBT therapy and the role it has to play in clinical hypnosis

This essay will evaluate the principles, theories, and therapeutic techniques of cognitive behaviour therapies respectively – – and how, as part of an integrationist model, in combination with hypnosis, they inform the eclectic view and practice of contemporary clinical hypnosis in helping to determine effective treatment in order to help achieve the most rapid and effective therapeutic outcome for the individual patient. Essay : The essay will require you to demonstrate that you are able to critically analyse, synthesise and evaluate concepts and argument in the academic literature and to present a persuasive, coherent and well-argued case in support of your position on the topic at hand. _Reflection & Learning Excellent reflexivity, and awareness. Clear sensitivity to congruence between personal and professional positions. _Professional & Ethical Issues write about ethical issues related to the British society of clinical hypnosis _Theory applied to practice Excellent understanding of current practice and the potential impact of recent theory and research on it. _Theory applied to practice Excellent understanding of current practice and the potential impact of recent theory and research on it. -Introduction : 1) talk about eclecticism in therapy 2) talk about eclecticism in clinical hypnosis -Brief one paragraph about the historical background of CBT – Part one : CBT concepts and methods 2 paragraphs _Part two : CBT in relation to clinical hypnosis 2 paragraphs _Part three: criticisms of CBT _Part 3 CBT in comparison to psychodynamic therapy (1 paragraph) _conclusionl


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