Posted: March 5th, 2014

Discuss a basic marketing plan to bring your new product idea to the attention of the public and help your product be successful.

Discuss a basic marketing plan to bring your new product idea to the attention of the public and help your product be successful. Make sure to include the following in your response:

  • Given the information you have researched on the industry and market for the product that your group will introduce, what specific channels would you use to get the word out to potential customers?
  • How would you plan to capture the market share you have promised to your CEO? Explain the target market, message, the mediums you would use, their costs, and so forth.

Suggestions for Responding to Peer Posts

  • Compare the details of the target market, message, mediums, their costs, etc. of your peer to your own.
  • What similarities or differences can you find?
  • Were there any considerations that were missed by you or your peer?
Grading Criteria
Response to Discussion Questions 80%
Response to Peer Posts (Min. of 2) 15%
APA Citation and References (where applicable/peer posts) 5%



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