Posted: August 17th, 2016

Discuss humanity’s search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

SCI 151 Week 5 Individual Assignment The Existence of Black Holes Final Project

For this assignment, you will choose from the following options:

· Option 1: AudioAce™

· Option 2: Microsoft® PowerPoint®

Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Week 5 Material: The Existence of Black Holes Final Project located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.

SCI 151 Week 5 Learning Team Astronomy Research and the Search of Extraterrestrial Life Paper

Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you discuss life on Earth and the possibilities of extraterrestrial life in our solar system. Include the following elements:

· Describe the properties of life on Earth.

· Explain the theories for the genesis of life.

· Explain the theory of natural selection.

· Briefly describe the evolution of life over the last 3 billion years.

· Assess the possibilities of extraterrestrial life in the universe.

· Discuss humanity’s search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Use at least three outside sources.

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