Posted: September 13th, 2017

Discuss, investigate, and research

Discuss, investigate, and research

Project description
Complete the assigned readings for this week and review Team Evaluation Form and Responsibilities of a Team Leader in Materials below.

In a Microsoft Word docuemtn, complete an internal analysis on your business.

3. In your analysis answer the following questions:

What is the mission?
What are the products and services/ How does the customer use them? What is the market scope (geographic area)?
In what stage of its life cycle (introductory, growth, maturity, decline) is the product?
Does the product or service offer something unique that customers will seek out? Is there a reasonable substitute for the product? How is the product or service differentiated from others in the market?
What is the firm’s strategy for bringing the product to the customer? Advertising? What kind? Is advertising seasonal? Are their promotional sales, discounts, free products, incentives, etc?
The supply chain includes the combined efforts of purchasing, manufacturing, research and development, and distribution. For most firms, a large percentage of costs occur in the supply chain. Which parts are more important than others in your firm? The company is Apple

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