Posted: December 3rd, 2016

Discuss how Starbucks manipulates the following for their own competitive advantage:

Question 2: (at least 800 words, choose two topics)

Discuss how Starbucks has been impacted by two(2) of the following theories of international trade:(Select 2 topic on bottom, PPT 5-7)

  • Mercantilism
  • Absolute advantage
  • Factor proportions theory
  • International product lifecycle
  • New trade theory
  • National competitive advantage



Question 3: (at least 500 words, choose one topic)

Discuss how Starbucks impacted by one (1) of the following:



Question 4: (at least 200 words, all topic from below)

Discuss how Starbucks manipulates the following for their own competitive advantage:

  • International financial markets (PPT 9)
  • International monetary system (PPT 10)

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