Posted: September 14th, 2017

Discuss the issues involved in the question of whether the lifeways of modern peoples represents progress over the foraging way of life Custom Essay

Preparation Questions for the Term Test – Units 1-6: Be sure to incorporate material from your course notes and all your textbooks. Include examples FROM THE READINGS and video material, Each answer must be in paragraph form and be equal in length to at least 1.5 typed double-spaced pages, font size 12. NOTE: PLease do not worry about using essay style format. Just get the information down. Good grammar and spelling are expected. All answers must have references cited including textbooks and prescribed internet sites and course videos – the author’s name in the body will suffice. Any unsolicited information from the internet will result in a grade of zero for the answer..PLEASE MAKE IT VERE SIMPLE AND EASY TO READ .


3. ?Discuss the issues involved in the question of whether the lifeways of modern peoples represents �progress over the foraging way of life�. Be sure to discuss Richard Lee�s article �The Hunters: Scarce Resources in the Kalahari� and Jared Diamond�s article �Domestication and the Evolution of Disease�.

4. Summarize the major physiological and cultural changes of hominids through time. What were the environmental impetuses to cause these changes? Include a discussion from the video �Becoming Human
6. How have the demands of the world market negatively impacted �third world� countries? Include discussions on Jack Weatherford�s article �Cocaine and the Economic Deterioration of Bolivia� and Sonia Patten�s article �Malawi versus the World Bank�.
10. ?How did the advent of food production interact with population growth and distribution? How is population growth related to the rise of the state? Include a discussion from �Guns, Germs and Steel�.
1. What are some of the issues faced by anthropologists when they conduct ethnographic research? Include discussions focussing on Claire Sterk�s article �Fieldwork on Prostitution in the Era of AIDS� and George Gmelch�s article �Nice Girls Don�t Talk to Rastas�.

2. What is culture? Why do Wade Davis and Phil Borges argue for the need to preserve the cultures of indigenous peoples? Summarize their points. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Why not?

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